Het Filiaal

Talking Hands English spoken8 tot 108 jr

Poetic musical theatre with a touch of absurdism.

50 min

Poetic musical theatre with a touch of absurdism.

Hands are giving. With hands you make contact, with each other and with the world. Hands probe, gently feel if it's not too hot. Or too cold. They can be tender, but they can also clench into fists. Hands are full of calloused stories. Hands travel through time, from the handprints in ancient caves to our hands on stage gesticulating silently.

Talking Hands is a crossover performance, integrating Dutch Sign Language (DSL) in a special way. The cast is extremely versatile. The DSL interpreter is also a professional dancer and the actors are equally adept in front of and behind the cameras. Interesting details are filmed live in front of you and projected large.  Ud player Jawa Manla’s voice is breathtaking. Her Arabic sounds flow together with the (electronic) music of Gábor Tarján. In short: five people with very different backgrounds working together like five fingers on one hand.

In this performance the spoken text and song lyrics are translated by a DSL interpreter who, while singing, playing and moving, is part of the cast. This performance is suitable for everyone aged 9 and up, whether or not you speak sign language.

Talking Hands English spoken in beeld

The makers of Talking Hands succeeded not only in combining a special crossover of theater forms on stage but also in conveying the performance to a hearing and (less) hearing audience. It was a special experience to see how disciplines and forms of communication merged into a fascinating performance with a leading role for the hand.
Alex Mooren programmeur Goudse Schouwburg
  • Text and direction
    Monique Corvers
  • Video
    Ramses Graus & Eileen Graham
  • Composition
    Gábor Tarján
  • Acting, dance and DSL interpreter
    Mauricio de Kok
  • Voice and ud
    Jawa Manla
  • Actors
    Barend van Daal, Eileen Graham & Gábor Tarján
  • Set Design
    Hiske de Goeje
  • Object and costume design
    Eva Arends
  • Lighting design
    Alaa Minawi
  • Movement coach
    Sassan Saghar Yaghmai
  • Technical pre-production
    Joost Giesken
  • 1st inspector, video and sound engineering
    Jeroen Hoekstra & Brian Dekker
  • Lighting technician
    Joris Visee & David Teekens
  • Assistant to the director (intern)
    Brian Verhagen
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